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J&T Express for Greener Tomorrow: Sustainability Initiative with the Planting of 3,000 Mangrove Seedlings

On August 30, 2024, several members of the board of directors and managers from J&T Express participated in a mangrove planting initiative on Pulau Pari, part of the Thousand Islands. This initiative was part of J&T Express's sustainability efforts to contribute to environmental conservation. The planting took place simultaneously in Pulau Pari, Pulau Pramuka, and Desa Sukawali, Tangerang, with a total of 3,000 mangrove seedlings distributed equally across the three locations. The ceremonial event was held on Pulau Pari, in collaboration with LindungiHutan.

“Planting mangroves is one of our contributions to protecting the environment. While the benefits may not be immediately felt, it's better to start now for the sake of future environmental sustainability. We hope to see more similar activities in the future, with greater involvement from J&T Express employees,” said Mike.

The planting ceremony was attended by Iwan Senjaya, Key Account Manager, Carla Regina, Project Operations Manager, and Herline Septia, Brand Manager, along with other board members from J&T Express.

Also present were coordinators from LindungiHutan and representatives of local farming partners. Iwan Senjaya delivered remarks and expressed J&T Express’s hopes for the initiative. During the planting, at least 10 local women farmers assisted in ensuring proper planting techniques. For the next year, LindungiHutan will oversee the monitoring process and replace any seedlings if necessary.
