Trafficking of narcotics in Indonesia continues to experience a significant increase, mainly because narcotics buying and selling transactions are carried out online. Recognizing the dangers of the circulation of prohibited goods that can spread in Indonesia through shipping routes and supporting the government in eradicating narcotics networks, J&T Express as a global delivery service provider synergizes with the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of the Republic of Indonesia in order to prevent and eradicate narcotics traffic routes. via land, sea and air, especially during the peak season of Christmas and New Year's (Nataru) shipments during an information discussion visit conducted at the BNN head office on 15 May 2023.
"We strongly support the government in fighting narcotics abuse, where the range of J&T Express shipments has covered all regions in Indonesia. Through this visit, our commitment is direct with BNN in efforts to prevent and eradicate narcotics traffic via land, sea and air, especially in shipping peak season Nataru," concluded Adriansyah Halim, Assistant CEO of J&T Express.
The high number of shipments during peak season can create gaps in the circulation of narcotics networks in Indonesia due to the conditions and geographical location of Indonesia which are islands, to minimize this, J&T Express is tightening the prevention and eradication of narcotics with the National Narcotics Agency with a focus on shipping routes in Indonesia.
The visit discussed increasing cooperation related to the Prevention and Eradication of Narcotics Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (P4GN). The National Narcotics Agency welcomed the arrival of J&T Express, at the meeting which expressed support for the commitment to cooperation. "We support this commitment and of course J&T Express has a system from the central level down to the village that can be utilized in dispelling the illicit traffic of narcotics by narcotics dealers," said Komjen. Pol. Dr. Petrus Reinhard Golose, Head of BNN RI.
On this occasion, J&T Express provided placards and souvenirs to BNN and as a sign of support and synergy, BNN pinned jackets on J&T Express. Through this collaborative commitment, it is hoped that it will be able to break the pathways of narcotics circulation and can act as an active agent of change in protecting the community, providing a wider positive impact, and supporting the government's efforts against the dangers of narcotics.
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