Initially joining in mid-2016, Rasto Zanu Mubiarto or who is fondly called Zanu became a J&T Express Yogyakarta sprinter, and got delivery routes for the North Yogyakarta area around Tegalrejo District, Jetis, Gondokusuman, including the area around the area's university campuses. He delivers to customers' addresses from 30 to 100 packages a day, because not enough packages are still coming in. Zanu was confused about how to arrange it for delivery and pick up of packages on the same day. So he takes advantage of the opportunity to be friendly with customers when delivering packages as well as leaving business cards to make it easier for customers if there is a need for shipping orders using J&T Express.
The method of entrusting the business card turned out to be fruitless, because many people around him did not know and believe in J&T Express, he did various other methods such as creating a fanpage group on Facebook and one of them was providing free shipping to start proving it to customers that it was true that the delivery was fast. and safe, and slowly starting to gain trust, especially helping to gain awareness through social media. However, the challenge at that time was carrying out the task on his own, because he was the one who disseminated information for orders and had to be able to pick up and pick up packages to new customers, and even once received orders at night from quite a distance but only in the form of 1 package. Considering that his business to get customers is not an easy thing, this is not an obstacle for him to continue to grow.
His persistence continued to strengthen Zanu's work performance, and a year later he was trusted to become the Drop Point coordinator for the Yogyakarta City area. The new challenge he felt during the peak season where he and his team had the main commitment at that time was how the delivery to the Jogja city area would run normally and there would be no buildup, everyone had to be able to work together to solve the surge in shipments. By arranging the distribution of delivery routes per sub-district, Zanu also directly helps his team deliver packages when a co-worker is sick. Armed with previous experience as a Sprinter, it made it easier for him to give directions and all packages were sent on time. He also always applied a disciplined attitude towards time while working, so that he was able to strengthen the team and produce good results, until he was trusted again to assume responsibility as Drop Point Supervisor for the Yogyakarta and Kulon Progo city areas.
The greater the responsibility held, the greater the risk that will be faced. In order to survive and develop, Zanu applies 5 important points to become his work strategy, the first is Analysis, how to divide tasks according to ability analysis, especially the delivery and pick up team. The second is the Potential Customer Census, to be able to filter new customers through data management. Third, Delivery service education, providing education to sellers regarding the required service facilities. Fourth, a strong Support Team, including transporters, processing, admins to monitor all problems that occur so that they can be resolved immediately. And fifth is good relations with customers, the importance of maintaining relationships by communicating or visiting intensely will foster a sense of trust.
Committed to carrying out this strategy, Zanu managed to increase his fantastic turnover, and became the highest achievement for the Yogyakarta area, so he was also awarded the Best Supervisor 2021. His performance continues to improve and brings changes that have led his career to continue to rise. Loyalty to work and responsibility led Zanu to be entrusted with becoming the Regional Manager of J&T Express Yogyakarta. Wider coverage and pressure will be a new step for Zanu, of course he is ready to form a new strategy, but the toughest challenge he will face in the future is how to maintain quality and quantity so that it continues to run well and be successful.
“In every success, there are small things that we have to take care of, namely courtesy and honesty, so trust in us will grow. If we love what we do, then success will come to us,” concluded Zanu.
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