Starting his career with J&T Express in East Java for a year ago, Zekki Sahli (28) assumed the profession as a Kali Rungkut Drop Point Pick-up Sprinter and for approximately the first 5 months in charge of helping deliver packages every morning. Adapting to this task, Zekki learned to develop his work ethic when he focused as a package pickup specialist. His expertise in managing time led to an increase in his work until he became the best Pick-up Sprinter for the East Java area.
Zekki managed to pick up more than 2,000 packages per day. For the achievement that is fairly fast, he also admitted that being the best was not easy and needed qualified ability in order to complete his responsibilities.
Pursuing pickup to every pick-up area and airwaybill installation obligations is certainly very time-consuming, with its ability to be sharpened by job responsibilities to be well resolved. He was able to get a total pick-up of 16,395 in January 2020 and exceeded the 683% of the specified standard.
Obstacles in carrying out the task are often found, especially from the weather that is not always good to be the main factor influencing the mobility and efficiency of packet pickup time. One of the experiences is when it is raining hard enough to pick up 10 packages at different points in 1.5 hours. No doubt the situation forced Zekki to be extra careful in protecting his personal safety and the package he was carrying.
"The key is I continue to maintain relationships with customers, pick-up on time, help if there are problems and most importantly, fast response. Alhamdulillah, I can handle it, "said Zekki.
In addition to being able to maintain relationships with customers, Zekki must also maintain the cohesiveness of working in a team, because good communication is needed. Zekki learns at least through each individual character in the team then adjusts to what actions he must take so that the work environment remains comfortable and conducive.
Zekki always tries to obey his work culture which is hard work, smart work, sincere work, and complete work. All of that he applied in the principle of working both individuals and teams simultaneously can be overcome well and his efforts proved to bring him to be the best.
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