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Rinaldy Arismunandar – Used to Daily Commutes from Jakarta to Bandung, Now a Supervisor

Rinaldy Arismunandar, known to his colleagues as Aris, has been a dedicated employee at J&T Express since 2015. With nearly nine years of experience at the company, Aris's journey has been nothing short of inspiring. He began as a transporter, moved up to coordinator, and, as of early 2024, has been promoted to Supervisor of Vehicle Dispatch (SPV).

Aris’s career with J&T Express began in 2015 when he applied for a job while looking for steady work. Once hired, he took on the role of a transporter, responsible for delivering packages ready for distribution to their destination cities.

"Back then, my route was Jakarta-Bandung," Aris recalls. "I did that for about a year, usually starting my drive around 11 p.m. Sometimes, I’d be on the highway until 1 or 2 a.m., always on my own. There were times when I’d be driving in heavy rain, still on the toll road," he reminisces. 

His strong sense of responsibility, knowing he was carrying customers' packages, kept him going despite the challenges. "I was afraid that if I stopped, something unwanted might happen," he says. 

Aris’s perseverance, discipline, and professionalism eventually paid off. In 2016, his dedication led to a promotion to coordinator, where he managed field reports and ensured smooth operations. This year, he was promoted to SPV, where he now leads a team of almost 40 members, including coordinators and transporters.

As SPV, Aris’s duties include overseeing and managing field operations and ensuring that shipments align with company SOPs. His role often requires him to navigate various challenges, such as managing incidents on the road and coordinating with external parties when necessary. Yet his top priorities remain the safety of his team and ensuring that deliveries run smoothly.

Aris firmly believes that effort never betrays results. He considers effective communication as the key to resolving various issues in the field. His loyalty to J&T Express is grounded in his vision of a promising future with the company. For Aris, loyalty is not only about staying but also about making meaningful contributions to his team and the company.

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