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Suhadi: I am optimistic that the fifth best sprinter belongs to me

Sprinter from Drop Point Gunung Sahari, Central Jakarta, Suhadi (23) again won the Best Sprinter of The Month award. The Best Sprinter is a prestigious category for the Jakarta branch Sprinter regarding the assessment of daily work. The assessment aspects are taken from various factors, including total pick up and delivery.

Suhadi has won awards in the previous month, namely April, May, June, and July 2017. "The fifth best sprinter is mine," Suhadi said optimistically. This is not merely a greeting, but accompanied by seriousness in trying.

"Acting politely, picking up and delivering neatly, and wearing perfume before meeting customers," said Suhadi told one of the secrets of his success. He believes this as a way to maintain good relations with customers. Suhadi is optimistic that, if you continue to work hard and be diligent, career paths will follow. Suhadi was recommended by his employer to become a new Drop Point Person In Charge (PIC) in his area. "But, I still want to learn a lot first, one of which is the system," Suhadi said shyly.

This reminded Suhadi of teamwork. According to this father of one child, the team is very important. "Helping each other while being urgent in pick up and delivery," said Suhadi. Suhadi revealed himself to be what he is now because of the positive support from his colleagues. Suhadi hopes that in the future he can further develop himself. This man wants to continue to contribute energy and ideas for the progress of the company. "Doing work seriously is accompanied by the desire to further develop and progress," concluded Suhadi.

Is it really inspiring, JT friends? There is no good and comfortable job, but if done wholeheartedly, the work can take us to a better place. So keep your spirits up and don't give up

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