Jakarta, 26 May 2020 - Indonesia, which has been hit by the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic since early March 2020, continues to fight to overcome this situation with the help of various layers of society, especially frontline workers such as medical teams, local defense and security forces. Along with these conditions, J&T Express invites the community to participate in the #JntikanKebaikan program, which is a breaking-fast food sharing program intended for the frontline teams that is channeled through ACT foodtruck event (Yayasan Aksi Cepat Tanggap).
The #JntikanKebaikan program is carried out by J&T Express as a form of support which involves the Indonesian people in a unique way, namely only by uploading Instastory while snapping their fingers and mentioning the official Instagram account @jntexpressid, the public has also donated breaking-fast food to the frontline workers in several hospitals. The program, which took place from April 25, 2020 to May 19, 2020, received positive enthusiasm from the community, gathering more than 2,000 food packages to break the fast to the frontline workers who served in a number of hospitals such as RS Darurat Wisma Atlet – Jakarta, RSUD dr. Chasbullah Abdulmajid Bekasi, RS Persahabatan – Jakarta dan RS Pelni - Jakarta.
"In this program, J&T Express invites the public to donate in an easy way and can be followed by anyone, namely by posting only 1 Instastory. Having a close relationship with social media today, we hope this program can facilitate the goodwill of the Indonesian people, especially in this holy month. Together with the community, we want to provide moral support to the struggling frontline team. Surely, we all hope that this condition will return to normal soon. " said Robin Lo as CEO of J&T Express.
As part of the JntikanPerubahan campaign program during the Ramadhan period, in addition to the #JntikanKebaikan program, J&T Express also held an Anti Lemes Lemes Club activity, a photo competition showing productivity in the holy month of Ramadhan and in the midst of a pandemic that requires staying at home.
More information about the #IntikanKebaikan campaign can be accessed at http://jntikanperubahan.com/jntikankebaikan/
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