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Exploring the Potential of Student Entrepreneurs, J&T Express Holds Seminars in Various Campuses

J&T Express, an Indonesian shipping service company that focuses on online business collaborates with Oz Radio in the "Untung Seminar J&T" program that presents education and self-development to students at Jakarta State University, Mercu Buana University and Gunadarma University with the theme "Set Up Your Mind To Be Entrepreneur". The program, which was attended by 800 students, was held periodically starting on 31 October 2018 to 14 November 2018.

Reported by depkop.go.id in June 2018 the number of Indonesian entrepreneurs has reached 7% of the total population of Indonesia and of course every year there needs to be an increase. In addition to supporting government programs in raising Indonesian entrepreneurs, J&T Express also held the Untung Seminar J&T with the aim of providing an understanding of how to use something to be a business opportunity in accordance with experience, providing students with an understanding of how to build a business from a hobby. at these three universities. Besides that, the participants in the Untung J&T Seminar were also provided with information on how to maintain and manage a business that has been run, as well as how to utilize social media and platforms for business opportunities.

"Having an entrepreneur mindset is very important, we hope that holding a seminar like this can motivate and support students to foster an entrepreneurial spirit from a young age. Many young people are hesitant to start because they do not have the capital, but now there are a number of trends in online businesses that lack capital such as drop-in and dropship services, things like this that can be utilized, which is important to dare to start and take advantage of existing opportunities. "Said Rachel as Brand Manager of J&T Express.

In this activity, not only speakers from J&T Express, but also present other resource persons who are experts in the field of ecommerce, namely Nisa An Nashr as fashion owner @ vrowen and entrepreneur namely Dhydha Maryudha as coffee entrepreneur @Sagaleh to share information on their experiences as entrepreneurs in the digital era recently. The series of activities was concluded with musical performances from Abirama, Barsena Besthandi and Dea Dalila who entertained the participants in attendance.

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