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  • Dangerous Goods
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  • What are the advantages of J&T Express?
    1. You can easily find out the shipping tariff, and check the nearest drop point (branch office) to your location through the application and website.

    2. The facilities trace & tracking system will make you easier to track your packages' location during the shipping process.

    3. J&T Express Drop points operate every day (including weekends, and National Holidays)

  • How is J&T Express payment system?
  • How do you check J&T Express waybill number?
  • How and when do you get J&T Express waybill number?
  • How do you proceed a claim?
  • How to send a package with insurance service?
  • What if there is damage and loss of package when shipping?
  • What happens if the customer sends a package containing Dangerous Goods?
  • How to report complaints and advices?
  • What kind of J&T Express services?
  • How to change the address when the package has been sent?
  • how to calculate the package with volumetric formula?
  • how to calculate the package with wooden packing formula?
  • How to send liquid goods through J&T Express?
  • Can J&T International Standard Express Service only be used in certain areas?
  • Does J&T International Standard Express Service shipping cost include import/export duties and tax?
  • What if the package fails to deliver due to the recipient refuses to pay duty tax or refuses to receive the goods?