Memeriksa tagihan pembayaran
Melakukan rekonsiliasi data
Memastikan seluruh pembayaran sudah benar untuk pembayarannya
Pendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi
Terbuka untuk fresh graduate
Memiliki pengetahuan pajak dasar
Dapat menggunakan Microsoft Excel
Memiliki etika kerja yang baik, bertanggung jawab, dan dapat bekerja secara team maupun individu
Memiliki kemampuan adaptasi serta ketelitian yang baik
Bersedia untuk lembur dan melakukan perjalanan dinas
Bersedia penempatan di daerah Pluit Jakarta Utara
Data analysis related to market, transfer, distribution, and capacity
Monthly annual budget
Integration of industry and finance
Collation off reporting materials
Bachelor's degree in analysis, mathematics and other related degrees is preferred
Strong execution : the task arranged by the leaders should be processed at the first time to ensure quality and quantity
Responsible : responsible things should be taken into account, considered thoroughly, and taken seriously
Logical analysis : clearly express the work situation, what problems to be solved. and how to solve them
Effective communication : find problems or coordinate resources. timely feedback and preliminary solutions, and clarify the responsible party
Proficient in Excel. Word, PPT, VB, SQL, Phyton (two of which are enough)
Highly sensitive to numbers, meticulous and patient, organized and proactive
Strong practical ability to process and analyze large amounts of data