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Staff Payroll
Job Description
  1. Check employee attendance data.

  2. Accurately calculate payroll.

  3. Provide timely, accurate, efficient, and effective payroll reports and other related reports.

  4. Resolved discrepancies in payroll.

Job Requirement
  1. Proficiency in Mandarin is a plus.

  2. Minimum of 2 years of experience in a related field.

  3. Proficient in Excel.

  4. High level of accuracy and attention to detail.

  5. Ability to work under pressure.

  6. Good time management skills.

  7. Excellent communication skills.

  8. Ability to work both individually and as part of a team.

  9. Willing to be placed in Pluit, North Jakarta.

Staff Purchasing (Mandarin Speaker)
Job Description
  1. Mengurus pembelian barang & jasa yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan

  2. Mentranslate dokumen maupun percakapan dari bahasa Indonesia ke Mandarin dan sebaliknya

  3. Mengurus kontrak kerjasama dengan vendor

  4. Mengajukan invoice ke finance

Job Requirement
  1. Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan. Fresh graduate dipersilakan melamar

  2. Mampu berbahasa Mandarin (lisan dan tertulis)

  3. Memiliki pengalaman di bidang purchasing konstruksi/logistik (internship/bekerja)

  4. Mampu berkomunikasi baik dan melakukan proses negosiasi baik via chat, phone, dan secara langsung 

  5. Pekerja keras, detail

  6. Bersedia bekerja lembur jika dibutuhkan

  7. Penempatan Pluit, Jakarta Utara